Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Presence & Power of God Invading Europe

With so much happening in the nations, we are literally having a hard time keeping up with all the testimonies. In the first half of this year, we visited Europe a number of times, and are excited to report the stirrings of God in a number of regions there.

In May, we traveled to Wales for Sloshfest with our associates at Emerge Wales, and participated in some of the most intense movements of the Spirit we have ever seen in Europe. As God began to erupt in the meetings, we saw more than 600 people shaking, trembling and overcome in a mass corporate trance that lasted for hours each night. This was far more than a healing, prophetic or teaching conference. God showed up, and at times, it could only be described as an enormous Holy Ghost mosh pit! Little old ladies were literally being passed overhead as they crowd surfed over the congregation. The music lasted for hours, as the Glory was too strong to attempt a preach.

As wave after wave of God’s Glory pounded the place, a man walked into the building off the streets and his deafness instantly vanished as he was able to hear. No one even prayed for him! This same man put about $3 in the offering that night (everything he had) and supernaturally, he received $20,000 from donors who emailed him that very night. There were not only healings, money miracles and numerous people being set free from religious depression, but there were also salvations. Drug users began walking in off the streets after hearing the loud commotion and being drawn by the Spirit of God. As they gave their lives to the Lord, they kept coming back night after night, having experienced genuine encounter with a life-changing God!

As these were some of the most powerful demonstrations of God’s manifest presence we have seen for some time, we extended the meetings for a few extra days before coming home. We would encourage you to check out what God is doing in Wales with our close friends and associates at Emerge Wales by visiting

Emerge Report of Welsh Wildfire

Here is a synopsis of the Sloshfest meetings from the Emerge team:

Hundreds gathered in Llanelli these last few days for Sloshfest '08. All we can say is that it was a Holy Spirit breakout. A trance like realm and intoxication was released that just took over the meetings. During worship on Friday night it exploded and the Spirit of revival fell. Many were laughing and crying all at the same time. Some who'd been to Lakeland said they again felt that special presence again. Some received a baptism of love. God released several spontaneous songs. One of them was that we can’t handle Him. What He is going to do is out of our control and we can't handle it. John Crowder called it a historic night. Georgian and Winnie Banov were supposed to minister but stepped back. Here's how Dave Vaughan explained it to a friend in the States...

"Man it was crazy, there was such expectation from the people, more than I have ever felt. There were probably about 600 or more there, it was wild. The revival spirit came in on the Friday night so strong that Georgian wasn't needed to preach, and Winnie said that what was happening was beyond her and that we needed to run with this!! It was a trance like Glory, hundreds were swaying in it like a flock of birds, they were all trancing out and having visions, people started to get spontaneously healed in the Glory, it was amazing!”

I personally have been in a lot of crazy stuff - we spent five months in Toronto during the revival there in 1997 - but this was another realm. Having surfed the net we found what Morningstar are experiencing right now sounds very similar. Listen to this blog from Leonard Jones on MySpace...

“One interesting thing that's been happening at our nightly meetings is people are getting some dramatic healings but they're not sure who it was that prayed for them because the whole crowd is moving around kind of like a mosh-pit in slow motion, praying for anything that moves. You can hardly tell who's leading worship or who's singing what and yet there's this amazing congruity to everything and God is a wrecking ball in this place. Time to get wrecked!”

If you know Morningstar this is VERY unusual. They are an awesome group of guys but the meetings are usually very well ordered. This is a Holy Spirit breakout! It sounds just like what we're seeing here. People moving together praying for each other getting wrecked. Healings and miracles just happening in the atmosphere.

There can be no doubt that the revival Spirit is now moving in the land. We are seeing so many people get wrecked - even those who haven't felt God before. The healings are continuing. Here's an update from the Antioch guys - they are hosting healing clinics this week in Llanelli (where Sloshfest took place) …

“I was doing an art workshop in Llanelli and asked one of the women, Cheryl, who uses a motorised scooter if I could pray for her. She has wasting muscles at the back of her knee and it was pointy, Prayed by putting my hand on the back of her knee where the pain was. She felt fire go through to the front of her knee, her knee cap moved. She got up and moved around and it felt better. Prayed for her again and she said it felt weird, then she said that it felt like something was being stretched in her knee. She rolled up her jeans and her knees looked exactly the same - the muscle had grown back and the knee cap had moved into place! She got up, no pain! She was in shock and felt bad because she hadn't talked to God in years!”

Here's what one woman from England said about what is going on here in Wales...

“OH MY GOD!!!! You broke ALL the rules!! HOW many crimes against religion did you guys commit?!! HA HA HA!! That was THE BEST EVENT EVEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!! I have always wanted to go to a Holy Spirit party and do trance dancing!! I have pages of cool words and visions! They were not huge, panoramic out of body things yet – but I experienced things that I haven't before. They would seem quite minor compared to those of Todd Bentley and others but I am on the road to them! I danced with Jesus for the first time ever, I saw angels with trumpets, I saw a bottle being poured out for me to drink (and I did! I didn't get totally wasted but it was a bit. People asked if I was OK because when they asked me a question I just sat there and slowly tried to speak! And I just sat and stared at my jeweled arm thing for ages because it was sparkly!!) I think an angel poked me and healed me but I have to wait and see. I saw Jesus at the front of the church on Sunday morning (in my head, not with my physical eyes.) I saw a beautiful female angel step out of the clouds (in my head ) and I saw God wearing a beautiful jeweled crown and He took it off and it turned into a chalice! (again, in my head)”

and again another email just come in...

“Hey Justin, and Emerge Wales team :D We arrived back in the North East of England ( Stockton on Tees ) at 6 am this morning. We went to church to impart what we received and it's been an awesome experience. The Holy Spirit is hitting people all over the place. One woman doesn't usually come on a Sunday and she came and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. It was class... she kept saying.." wwoooooo what's happening to me... wwooooo " Totally cool. Our Leaders are hungry too. They're making space for God to come and do His thang!!! People are being healed of deep emotional pain and abuse. God is working here too. On Saturday evening you mentioned that it was no longer the breaker angel, it’s already broken out. Well we took that and believed it in at out church. We needed that for so long and tonight, to have our leadership humble themselves before the King and allow him in is awesome. The sweet, sweet Jesus was loving people up all over the place. AWwwwwww Yeah! It is a love revolution. Bless you all so very verrrry much. I have never experienced Jesus so intimately before. I saw visions of places, I played in the glory like a 4 year old. Wow, it felt so liberating and beyond free. I have Jesus running through my veins and it feels ggrrrreeeeeeaaaaaattttttttt ...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love you guys all so much.”

This wild fire is for the whole nation - England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Bob Jones said when the four nations come together healing would be released across the land. At Sloshfest the four nations stood together for this to take place. This is a nation united in the glory and fires of revival. We are going to find our true apostolic identity as a nation again. Europe is going to burn as this fire intensifies and a new breed of glory carriers are sent wild wandering through the nations.

The last night (of extended meetings) in Cardiff a prophetic glory came and Natasha Vaughan a fifteen year old from Pontypool took over the meeting. Tash operated in words of knowledge and the Holy Spirit just wrecked people. Afterwards someone pointed out it was significant because it was a fifteen year old girl who brought revival into Cardiff in 1904. History being continued right here and now! Tash was even prophesying over the phone hours after the meeting.

If you've been watching Lakeland Todd and Bob have both prophesied that the Welsh revival is being released now. There can be no doubt at all by any measure this is NOW taking place. Jeff Jansen said it is here. He heard the Lord say it would be called the NEW Welsh Revival. He had a visit from an angel at 3:41 in the morning - this is the number God uses when He is saying to Jeff it is a blank cheque - ask and it shall be given.

Here's an email from an emerge subscriber in the States...

"My spirit was doing somersaults last night when I heard Todd Bentley make the ‘proclamation’ of the WELSH REVIVAL!! If you were able to see the Lakeland Outpouring last night, you probably noticed how the LORD kept hammering on ‘proclaim a thing and it shall be established.’ What an absolutely PURRFECT time for your meeting!! Though I am not able to be with you, you can be sure this long lost cousin is praying for WALES here in Atkinson, Illinois. May Winds of Change set aflame the hearts of the people. As I was praying for Wales this morning, I saw thousands of sheep making their way down craggy mountainsides and heading towards their True Shepherd. When they were safely within the confines of the True Sheepfold, the True Shepherd poured oil all down their backs. This oil killed all parasites and diseases and also served as a repellent from predators who had plagued their lives. I pray that God will raise up Honest and True Shepherds in Wales and all over the world who ‘count the sheep’ and will not feed the sheep muddied water but pure, rivers of living water from the very throne of God. May God multiply His anointing upon you as you heal the sick, raise the dead and set the captives free! I read that God had told Denny Cline from Albany, Oregon that this revival in his church would have ten times the impact than the one he had a few years back that lasted 3 years. I pray for you, that you will experience 10 times the power of the anointing on the 1904 Welsh Revival with Evan Roberts. That it will shut down entire cities and regions as the Fires of revival hit every inch of Wales, even spilling over into all the Celtic countries. I pray that Wales will be the first ENTIRE country taken for the Glory of Our wonderful LORD and Savior Jesus Christ!!! From the North to the South, and From the East to the West of Wales....I claim every square inch of it for His Abode!!! Stand strong and see what the LORD is going to do!!”

This is a highly contagious glory intoxication and it is spreading. Many came from around the UK and have taken it back to their churches. Gold dust, oil, signs and wonders will become the norm as we remain in His presence. If we honour the Dove He will continue to honour us. It is HIS revival, HIS breakthrough, HIS wild fire.

Late but Great Report on Belgium Outreach!

Besides our time spent in Wales, I was also in Belgium earlier this year – a predominantly Catholic nation that is in dire need of a move of God. Justin Abraham of Emerge Wales joined me for this event as well, and below is his report of that trip:

Brussels is the unofficial capital of Europe. Just wandering around the streets you can see the moral and spiritual decay that has set into this continent. Our hosts showed us around. One area of the city was a row of shop windows with prostitutes in their underwear enticing people to come in. I had never seen anything like it before. This was going on in broad daylight with mothers and children going about their daily lives. Unbelievable.

We really felt God's heart for these women. That is not God's plan for them - these are people's sisters, daughters and even wives. How has this happened? We heard that Antwerp also has the same problem. God wants to restore dignity and honour to these precious woman. We have been invited to mobilize a team to go back there to impact those tied up in this industry. If that is something you feel called to let us know. We will need women for that type of trip as it is far too sketchy for men to be on the front line for obvious reasons.

Throughout Brussels you can see Islam. It is rising and there were Moslems everywhere. God has brought the harvest to our door. We went out onto the streets to reach the lost. I stood up in the middle of a food area in the train station and preached heaven was at hand. The security guys tried to stop us but it was too late, the hungry people wanted prayer. I told them there was no law against it! They said people can go to church if they want God. I told them Jesus went to the people. They couldn't stop us. We saw people crying as God moved on them. It was powerful. Other members of the team had similar experiences and some people fell under the power, others accepted Jesus as Lord throwing beer cans into the bin. Some of the team gave out roses and totally disarmed people with God's love. The harvest is ripe across Europe but will we go? Our hearts are burning for the lost. I cannot explain the groan we now feel. This movement is going way beyond conferences, renewal and events, it is going to the most broken, lost and hungry places in the nations. The gospel will be preached to the poor. These are days of outrageous grace on a broken generation.