God Works Instant Weight Loss Miracles
March/April Revival Report
Look out Weight Watchers. Move over South Beach Diet. We’re here to tell you that you can be “light in the Lord!” We are excited to report that the Lord has begun working an interesting phenomenon in our meetings lately. We’ve been pressing in for a release of supernatural weight loss during our healing/miracle services, and the Lord has begun to deliver. Yet another incentive to live in the glory realm!
We love it when God does bizarre and fascinating wonders that blow our boxes out of the water. We have been contending for this particular miracle since January, having seen quite a number of people lose weight instantly under the ministry of our friend, David Herzog. We’ve also traced this phenomenon back to the healing meetings of A.A. Allen in the 1950s, when someone once lost 200 pounds instantly in one meeting.
In February, before we left Canada, the Lord told me that He was putting me in “Weight Loss Class.” Essentially, He would be training me how to work this miracle. The first fruits of this we would see in Michigan last March, and it has continued since then.
Open Portal Released in South Michigan
I traveled to Saginaw, Mich. in March at the invitation of Saginaw Valley Community Church, joining up with Dr. Brian Simmons and Aaron Evans. The Lord prompted us to corporately speak an opening into the heavens for a release of dreams and visions on the second night of the conference. We sensed that a very large door had been cracked open for the region, which was also connected with a healing of the land and repentance on behalf of past wrongs done against First Nations people in the area. We sensed that while the Lord was indeed opening a portal, it is something that must be contended for and maintained by the local churches.
I feel that the Lord is also establishing networks in southern Michigan which will release prophetic evangelism.
Dr. Simmons, who is truly a regional apostolic authority in the New England area and beyond, laid a strong foundation, focusing on the shepherd heart of God, the need for sacrifice and the centrality of the cross. He encouraged everyone not just to eat “cheesecake” conference Christianity, but to embrace a walk that sometimes involves suffering and desert seasons as a prerequisite to a higher walk. Aaron also pointed to the need for stronger family relationships and provoked hearts to greater depths of intimacy with the Lord, among other things.
With this plumb line laid, the Lord released an explosion of healings on the final night. Besides the miracle weight loss, a boy’s broken wrist was healed. The Lord healed a number of shoulders, rotator cuffs and other body parts. Dozens of people came forward in response to a word of knowledge concerning chronic headaches. A number of people were healed of intestinal disorders and other organ problems. Several people also reported that there were distinct fruit smells during the meetings.
Dakotas ‘Fully in the Glory’
In early April, I spent a week in the Dakotas with Jim Samuelson of Springs of Living Water Church, holding meetings in Fargo, Minot and Bismarck, ND. The Lord showed me that a natural resource deposit of gold and oil would be found along the border of North and South Dakota, which would signal a fresh emergence of the glory of God, as well as a birthing of supernatural wisdom from the invisible realm to the natural realm. I was given the reference of Job 33, wherein wisdom is compared to the gold and precious minerals that men dig deep into the earth to recover.
I also saw a sickle swinging over North Dakota. I feel that now is the time for harvest in North Dakota, but that there will also be many harvesters sent out from North Dakota. While in Bismarck, we visited the capital building and I was struck by the angelic presence I sensed in the Senate chambers. I feel that great blessing is coming upon the state because of the stand that North Dakota is taking against the wholesale slaughter of abortion. I also had a vision of a launching pad being constructed there in Bismarck, with angels taking off from the capital building to far away places. We had an incredible time at Crystal River Ministry Center, seeing a number of healings, and just as the fire of God began to heat up, the fire alarms began to sound off throughout the complex!
All of the Dakota meetings were marked by a heavy glory and the release of the wine of God. In Minot there was also distinct, strong angelic activity, and I was struck mute for several minutes mid-way through the service. Just after the meeting, an atheist was healed and saved in Applebee’s. I simply called out the healing word, without laying hands on him. He had a hard time arguing with the power of God. Seeing is believing!
Explosion in Fort St. John
The Lord flooded Fort St. John, B.C. Canada over Easter weekend with revival fire. Joining up with Faytene Kryskow for a citywide meeting there, we watched as Baptists, Mennonites, Brethren, Pentecostals and others from various denominational backgrounds gathered in unity and got whacked by the power of God.
The Lord gave us a word about a 24 hour prayer center for Fort St. John, as well as a call to send revival fires to the northern villages. During the Heart of David conference there, sponsored by Northern Fire, we also saw a number of healings, including another release of miracle weight loss. The Lord released a wave of deliverance from addictions, as many were floored by the hand of God. At the end of the conference, we sent everyone out two-by-two to reach the lost and carry the fire directly from the meeting place to the marketplace.
New England Tour
Currently, the entire family is traveling throughout the New England area for a regional ministry tour. Look for more updates and testimonies from the trip in our next revival report.
Strategic Prayer Points
For those of you faithful intercessors out there, please consider praying for us and the ministry on the following prayer points:
Ø More of God’s manifest presence in our personal lives and ministry
Ø Increased and effective demonstrations of power
Ø Fresh revelatory teaching
Ø Favor and anointing on John’s new book projects
Ø Personal covering for the family, especially Lily and the children
Ø God’s provision for upcoming ministry events and campaigns
Ø Funding for India orphanage project
We appreciate your prayers and support. Thanks for your partnership in the ministry!
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