Spirit of Revival Invades Supernatural Encounters Event
We are excited to report that the manifest presence of the Lord ignited our first local conference in Georgia, “Supernatural Encounters,” with a powerful release of signs, wonders and miracles. There was a fresh wave of intimacy with God, as well as wisdom and a fiery zeal that accompanied the event. The power of God was undeniable throughout the week. Many were activated in the supernatural, while many religious onlookers were arrested by God on the grounds of their dead, powerless gospel of “talk only.” We sense that the Lord is waking up the Bible belt to spiritual reality, and for those who are getting on board with this new wave, there is accelerated release into the things of the Kingdom. The Lord is truly drawing a line in the sand for those who will fully pursue Him!
Portal Opened for the Region
Prior to the first meeting, we (John and Lily) were at home with our friend and guest speaker, Jerame Nelson, when suddenly the three of us heard an audible trumpet sound about a foot over our heads in the kitchen. That night, the Lord released a powerful breaker anointing in the meetings. In the spirit realm, there was a clarion call to wake up!
Interestingly, the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night all week at odd hours: once with our home fire alarm, and another time with our alarm clock which was somehow set to 4 a.m.!
The very first night, everyone felt a strong atmospheric shift, as a Psalm 24 gateway was opened in the heavens and demonic interference was immediately driven out. A fiery release of declaration broke the powers of the air, and immediately the sound system in the building began to work clearly, despite strong opposition.
Gold Teeth, Rainbow-Colored Gold
On the first night of the conference, two people reported receiving gold teeth. One of these was the worship team drummer, who had never had so much as a filling or any other metal work done in his mouth before. He got a silver cap running down one row of teeth, and a gold cap running down the other!
Later in the week, a young man reported that the Lord changed five of his fillings into gold. In addition to this, many people reported seeing gold dust on their hands and in their Bibles. Prior to one of the meetings, we found rainbow colored gold dust covering many of the pews throughout the building.
Time Stands Still
On the second night of the conference, the Lord released an anointing to route religious spirits, and many were set free from religious devils. The message was so strong and raw, we didn’t think anyone would return the next day! But the crowds actually increased. That night, our sound technicians reported that a 60-minute CD began recording the message at 9:24 p.m. It recorded completely, but when it popped out, the time was only 9:30 p.m.! A 60-minute CD was fully recorded in only six minutes!
Healings Every Night
The Lord moved powerfully with manifestations of healing every night of the event. About half a dozen deaf people were healed: some were partially deaf, while others were born deaf. A woman’s knee was recreated one night, and another woman who had walked with a limp for years was instantly healed. The Lord healed a severe hip injury, and dozens of people reported instant healing from arthritis and joint pain. Many reported instant freedom from back and foot problems. A woman who had been unable to turn her head to the left side for a very long time reported instant mobility, following a word of knowledge. Instant improvements in eyesight were also reported.
The Lord also healed asthma problems, migraines and a number of people experienced supernatural weight loss, as the Lord literally dropped inches from their waist lines during the meetings.
Money Miracles
I discussed a symbolic, prophetic release of three, one-dollar bills that have begun to pop into people’s pockets during several of our recent meetings. As I was still talking, this same miracle happened to a couple of people during the conference.
The Lord also brought an instant financial return for several people who sowed into the offerings throughout the week. One person placed $5 in the basket and received $500 the next day. Another person placed $20 in the basket and immediately received a wage increase of $200 more per month!
Prophetic Release
There was a lot of prophetic ministry which took place throughout the week. Some people were specifically called out by names, occupations, etc., and many were encouraged by the Lord.
Many were activated in the realms of open heavens, spirit travel and visionary experience for the first time. In addition, many were introduced to soaking/contemplative prayer for the first time in our afternoon soaking sessions led by Donnie Thurston.
Salvation and Deliverance
There were waves of deliverance that broke out throughout the week. One young man was saved, as the Lord was bringing him out of a crystal meth addiction. We water baptized him on the spot during the meeting with a bottle of water! Another man reported that the Lord freed him from six evil spirits. There were a number of other deliverances, including one man who started vomiting and manifesting as the Lord began setting him free from demonic bondage.
God is moving powerfully, and we truly sense that this area is on the brink of revival that is sweeping throughout the southeast. Apathetic, lukewarm church-goers are beginning to get inflamed with the fire of passion, the intoxication of First Love!
To find out more about our upcoming conferences, visit us online at http://www.thenewmystics.org/.
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