Saturday, November 20, 2004

Joel's Army Marching in Alaska

Young people gathered from hundreds of miles around the state for the Joel's Army conference in Homer, Alaska.

A gathering of young, prophetic warriors recently converged on the small town of Homer, Alaska for a Joel’s Army Conference hosted by our local church. Ivan Roman, revivalist Matt Sorger and Jason Phillips of Revival Town Ministries confirmed a resounding message that the Lord is lighting a flame in Alaska that will spread to the nations.
The conference was marked by a call to holiness and fiery intimacy with the Lord. Many experienced angelic visions and there were several healings ­– such as a young girl who was healed of fibromyalgia after five years with the condition – as well as healings in the local hospital and coffee shops as the troops hit the streets between sessions.

Why on earth Homer, Alaska?
Young people gathered from hundreds of miles out of the state’s isolated communities to attend the conference. As we know, the Lord births his greatest moves in remote locations – even as Jesus was born in a stable. Many viewed the event as a foreshadow of youth conferences breaking out on a national level in Alaska, where thousands will gather, according to words given by major prophetic ministries. Exactly one year ago, it was prophesied that a healing wave would be coming from Alaska, emerging with miracles, signs and wonders as groups of young people gathered to pray. There would also be “a real rush in gold” that would represent revelation. Subsequently, explorers recently found a natural gold deposit that is believed to be the largest in North America. Homer is being considered as a port town for shipping in this development. Ivan saw that the area is a spiritual gateway into the state and a healing center, like a pool of Bethesda. In the Spirit, he saw the Lord releasing a John 5 healing angel. Ivan also saw Alaska Natives serving in Healing Rooms statewide. He prophesied a release of wealth coming in the next three to six months over the region, along with an increase in business and commerce. He warned, however, of plans for an incoming casino that must be resisted.

During the conference, angels were seen visibly at times by some. A young Native Alaskan saw an angel come and touch me. I did not see it happen, but as soon as it did, I hit the deck and could not stand up for about 45 minutes as the Lord ministered deeply over me.

The eagle’s nest
Homer is a natural gathering place for eagles, where about 500 gather in a central location every winter. Ivan saw that the area is a spiritual eagle’s nest, and confirmed that a school of prophets will eventually be located here. Matt saw that many eagles will be sent out from the area, and that there is also a Macedonian call coming forth. Alaska is a land of exportation, not only in natural resources, but also in the Spirit, said Matt. The Lord showed him oil under hard granite rock that requires a breaker anointing to access.

The oil and the fire
The Lord spoke to Jason about the Alaska oil pipeline, and how it represented the oil of the Spirit that had flowed through the state in years past. While the Lord’s presence has been moving through the state in a good way, Jason saw a powerful increase on the way.
There is a massive amount of natural gas locked away in Alaska, and developers are in the initial coordination stages of building a natural gas pipeline to the Lower 48 states through Canada. The Lord showed Jason that natural gas is much more explosive in nature, and it burns much brighter than oil. This natural gas and the desire to build a pipeline is God’s picture for Alaska, he said.
“Many people that are catching the explosive fire of the Lord will be sent out from Alaska to the nations while others will spread this fire to the villages in Alaska,” said Jason. “They will go with the explosive fire of God and miracles, signs and wonders will follow them. They will take that explosive fire and start fires in every nation that they set foot it. The fire of God will flow from Alaska in ways never seen or imagined before.”
Jason shared that this move of God will be marked by lifestyles of intimacy with the Lord and a pursuit of holiness – not a matter of rules and regulations, but a passion for the name of Jesus that will birth a desire to live a life set apart to the Lord.

Shakings in the Spirit
Ivan also prophesied a shaking in the Spirit in Alaska. He saw plates moving with volcanoes erupting. He saw earthquakes “coming in a multitude,” but not one person will be hurt. Ivan said this eruption will come from deep within.
Only a week prior to the Joel’s Army Conference, Bobby Conner, Rick Joyner and Paul Keith Davis were in Anchorage, Alaska saying, “This is Alaska’s time.” Bobby said that Alaska’s destiny is worldwide revival. Bobby saw eagles rising up out of the Dumpsters with golden glory coming over their wings. He also saw the dry bones of Ezekiel 37 turning into an army in the state.

Bridge to Russia
Bobby saw a row of men in black robes, swinging “lanterns of fire,” which they began to swing around their heads. Many recognized these as Russian Orthodox priests, as there are many Orthodox churches throughout the state, ripe for revival. Bobby also spoke of a major revival coming to the nation of Russia. Rick Joyner said that the Lord is building a “bridge of trust” between Alaska and Russia. He said that Alaska will play a major part in reaching that nation.