Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hundreds Make Decisions for Christ on Streets of Uganda -- Thousands Hear Kingdom Message

We are excited to report on the success of the recent Sons of Thunder evangelistic outreach to the streets of Uganda, where the streets were reverberating with the sinners’ prayer, as thousands heard the gospel of the Kingdom and several hundred responded to the call to salvation. Thank you, Lord for the harvest!

John preaches in a market of 2,000
Our team has recently returned from the nation, known for its 20-year civil war in the north and a long history of brutal dictatorial governments. SOT brought a team in coordination with Revivaltown Ministries, who were constructing 20 homes for women and children displaced by war. The primary purpose of the trip was to hold spontaneous street meetings with mobile sound systems, preaching the gospel, healing the sick and casting out devils right in the marketplaces of Kampala and surrounding districts. Often, crowds ranging up to 2,000 would gather to see a demonstration of the power of the gospel, with many making first-time decisions for Christ.

A woman receives prayer for healing
Over the course of the week, we saw cancers and tumors healed, as well as blind eyes, deaf ears, internal organs, bones and joints and many other physical infirmities taken away by the broken body and spilled blood of Jesus Christ! Many muslims were converted to Christ and many were completely set free from demonic bondage. Often, demons would openly manifest as people would be writhing and convulsing in the streets. Many crowds would gather to see the power of the Lord displayed, as people were delivered and restored.

People gather as the Lord begins to heal.
An unplanned meeting was orchestrated by the Lord, as we met a Bishop Grivas, head of one of Uganda’s five largest churches. After this “random” meeting, he invited us to share the Kingdom message over the airwaves of a radio station, reaching a listening audience of 1.5 million Ugandans! The Lord opened doors of favor with local leaders, and several members of the team also met with mayors and governmental officials offering access to preach the gospel in different regions.

Ministering over the airwaves to 1.5 million

In the War Zone

The team traveled north for a six-hour drive to the war zone, where up to 20,000 children have been displaced nightly in recent years, walking miles a day to avoid abduction by the LRA army. Many young boys have been kidnapped and forced into military service, where they are often immediately forced to kill one of their companions to forge an LRA loyalty based on fear. Young girls are regularly abducted and used as sex slaves by the rebel army. Some of these girls who return are no longer accepted into society, as they were trained by their captors to become killers. As they seek to re-integrate into society, often with three or four fatherless children in tow, they are considered outcasts.

Housing for child-mothers, victims of the 20-year war.

Traveling north to Gulu town at the war zone border, we visited the “child mother” homes being built in association with Revivaltown, Hope for the Nations and a number of other ministries in partnership. These facilities offer a save haven for those who have most closely felt the effects of this war. We also visited a number of displaced orphans who have become victims of the war.

One of the orpanages visited by the team.
While in the nation, the team also had the opportunity to meet with the first wife and children of the rebel leader, Joseph Koni, and we were able to pray and prophesy over them. It is important to pray for the peace of Uganda, as the nation has come closer to a resolve in peace talks in recent days than ever before. It has also been reported that several of Koni’s witchdoctors have converted to Christianity, and he says he has “lost his power”!

Justin Abraham is ordained as an SOT associate at night in the war zone.

Surrounded by Uganda military at our hotel in Gulu, Sons of Thunder ordained two of our associate ministers, Justin Abraham and Joanne Gravell, both of Wales. Holding the ordination outside by night in the war zone, the Ugandan vice president walked by us as we were praying, plastered in the Glory! We feel that this was a prophetic act, as many are being ordained in a spiritual warzone in this hour!

Copious amounts of oil is also poured over associate Joanne Gravell.

Reaching the Unreached

While in the nation, the team traveled to a number of remote villages accessible only by boat on Lake Victoria with no churches. Reaching many with the message of Jesus Christ for the first time, we found an overwhelming response to the call for salvation. In one small village alone, we cast devils out of four women, watched deaf ears pop open and heard nearly everyone pray a salvation prayer. It is impossible to count how many made decisions for the Lord.

An unreached village where we stopped on Lake Victoria
We also purchased more than 200 Bibles to give to new believers, and we prophetically called out a number of future leaders to be trained for the work of ministry. Connecting with a loose association of Kampala street preachers, we organized follow-up work, so that ministers could return to the villages after our departure.

Bibles are handed out to new believers in the villages.

Often during the street preaching, we would see mass breakouts of the Glory of God hitting the streets, as Holy Ghost joy would spontaneously take hold of a crowd. The entire trip, we stayed heavily intoxicated in the presence of God. On the streets, people would begin dancing, screaming and shouting for joy en masse! The people of Uganda are so open and hungry for the gospel! Business owners would beg us to pray blessings over their stores, and other merchants would beg us to preach the gospel on their streets. The power of God would regularly break out in these places. One man who was crazy and delusional began manifesting demons, foaming profusely from the mouth and writhing on the ground as we broke the power of witchcraft off of one marketplace. Moments later, he was back in his right mind, praising the Lord!

A woman violently manifests as she is delivered from devils.
We visited a number of local orphanages, bringing gifts and ministering to the children. At the Action International orphanage, we led children into corporate heavenly encounters, where many children reported seeing Jesus. Several saw angels and some reported that the angels were “giving them wisdom.”

A man rejoices after his deliverance, moments after foaming at the mouth.

Join us for Uganda 2007!

We hope to take another team into the nation of Uganda next spring for more street evangelism, as well as to hold crusades for displaced people within the refugee camps near the northern war zone. Join us on the mission field! If you feel that the Lord would have you be a part of this coming trip, please email us for more information at If you would like to make a donation toward this coming trip, to sow into the Glory and be a part of this harvest of souls, please Click Here.

We will be posting more information on this upcoming trip shortly on our Web site.

Women pray to receive Jesus as Lord!

Sponsor a Crusade!

We know that there is tremendous favor on reaching souls, as well as ministering to the poor, the fatherless and the widows. Much of the acceleration with which God has blessed our ministry has come from our focus on reaching souls and ministering to the poor. This, after all, was the reason that God blessed Job’s life with such favor (Job 29). If it has been your desire to bring in multitudes to Christ with the financial assets the Lord has entrusted to you, please consider sponsoring an evangelistic crusade! God’s favor will increase on your life, guaranteed, because the Word says so. Entire crusades can be sponsored for as little as $10,000, bringing in thousands of new believers to the Kingdom. Larger ones can range up to $50,000-$60,000, accounting for tens of thousands of souls! Obviously, no one can put a value on even one single soul. But it is the responsibility of us all to work toward the harvest. One can go to preach, but others are called to be financial “senders,” with both reaping equally in the spiritual rewards of the harvest.

If you are looking for good ground to invest a large sum for the Kingdom, please contact us directly about our “Sponsor a Crusade” program. Email us at

Watch the Video

If you would like to view a 33-minute video presentation of this Uganda trip, visit our Web site at and click on the Uganda icon on our home page to download the presentation. This is a very large file and make take a while to download.

Thank you very much to all of our partners and supporters who have prayed and contributed toward this trip. Blessings to you all as you have joined in the reaping! And thank you Lord for revival in the nations!