Monday, November 21, 2005

Revival Report Ukraine

We recently returned from a ministry outreach to Kiev, Ukraine last month, where John accompanied a mission team. Here is a report prepared by Janelle Mierau about the trip, and below that are a few prophetic insights the Lord has been downloading to me about the region, as it effects the corporate body of Christ.

Holy Hunger Releases The Kingdom Of Heaven In The Ukraine
by Janelle Mierau
· 5,600 in attendance over four day miracle festival
· 3 ministries join forces to fan revival fires in Ukraine
· 54 surrender their lives to Christ
· Delegates come from Siberia, Russia, Belarus, Romania, Lithuania, Moldova
· Anointing heals boy over phone from severe cardiac insufficiency
· Woman with 20 years of pain from misplaced disc healed
· Man injured by German soldier 64 years ago has hearing healed
· 15 year old girl healed from asthma and tumor
· Woman delivered from 23 years of pain and arthritis in legs and feet
· Jesus heals two women's sense of smell
· Woman healed of hormonal disorder, extreme nausea and chronic fatigue
· Christ sets woman free from 30 years of extreme pain in back and ankles
· Woman's sciatic nerve healed—now pain free

Kiev, Ukraine Ripe for Revolution
Carrying with them the love and power of God, three teams recently joined forces with the church as ambassadors of the kingdom in Kiev, Ukraine and watched with amazement as spiritually hungry people were healed and saved on outreaches and as hundreds responded to altar calls for healing and salvation at the miracle festival.
These three ministry teams, consisting of approximately 42 Christians from five different countries, converged in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, on the heels of the nation's political "Orange Revolution." They were sovereignly united to help fan the flames of national revival through a four day School of the Supernatural and evangelistic miracle festival—October 26- 29th.
Independence Square, the site of the Orange Revolution where the Spirit
of revival was released.

Interestingly, the Ukraine has been called the bread basket of Eastern Europe because of its soil's success for growing wheat. The nation's blue and yellow flag and abundant natural harvest are physical symbols that speak of its spiritual destiny for open heavens and mass harvest. Prophet Bob Jones recently saw prophetically that one of the greatest revivals in the history of the church would come out of Russia and the heart of it would be from the Ukraine. He said the window of opportunity would be very short and that the church had to be prepared to reap the harvest quickly. Similarly, prophet Bobby Conners saw that one of the largest soul winning revivals in history would begin in Ukraine; it would be the fuse and would burn down into Russia, resulting in a powerful explosion of God's power which would win thousands of young people for Christ.
Already there are signs that this fire is beginning to burn in Kiev—the city now has the largest church in Europe with 26,000 members and another church with 8,000, as well as the world's largest Messianic church, with 1,500 members. Even more telling of national transformation underway is the historic uprising of 2004, the "Orange Revolution," that began spontaneously as millions of Ukrainians were drawn to gather in Independence Square in Kiev, and rose in protest of the government's corruption. One Ukrainian said, "For the first time the people felt like they could change something." He said that the presence of God overshadowed the square as, unexplainably, thousands sacrificed their jobs and schooling, alcoholics quit drinking and people came from all over the country to stand, dance and sleep in the streets for months.
The same Spirit that united the heart of a nation in righteous indignation and a cry for justice is stirring the nation for spiritual revolution. There is an awakening in the land and the church is answering the call to partner with Holy Spirit in an unprecedented move of God. The four day events were evangelistic and also aimed at equipping and empowering the church for this crucial hour.

Holy hunger!

Holy Hunger and Precious Sacrifice
The open heaven and people's hunger to encounter a God of miracles was astounding. The people's insatiable appetite for more of God inspired the team, and they were delighted by their fervent requests for prayer for healing and impartation. The desperation for more of the Lord compelled some to travel great distances and sacrifice months of wages—the average monthly wage in Eastern Europe being $200–$250. Thirty people came from Russia, some traveled three days by train from Siberia, and others came from Romania, Belarus, Moldova and Lithuania! Most of the Ukrainians present, the majority of whom live in villages, would also have sacrificed a month's wages to come to the city of Kiev for the four-day event. Blessed are those hunger and thirst—they will be filled!

Opening Night: Power Evangelism
The four-night festival was opened with a dramatic testimony of instant deliverance from drug and alcohol addiction at the moment of salvation with the 1,100 who had gathered with joyful expectancy. "There is no high like the Most High," exclaimed the evangelist as he shared how God wants to come into everyone's life, forgive their sin and give them a hope and a future. Then he invited those to come forward who wanted to receive Jesus into their lives and, from among the largely Christian audience, 22 people surrendered all to Him!
After corporately releasing a fresh anointing several words of knowledge were called out and several people came forward in response, testifying of receiving God's healing touch. A young man felt God heal the bones in his hands and shift them into their proper place. God also restored the sense of smell for two women while another person was healed from 30 years of pain in back and ankles. A young woman was healed from 5 years of pain in the chest and back; a man's arm was healed after one year of being unable to lift his arm; and one woman was healed from a painful spinal problem she had endured for 2 years.

Second Night: Holy Spirit Comes in Power
On the second night of the festival, the building buzzed with the excitement of 1,500 Ukrainians anticipating God to move powerfully. It was explained how the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy and how testifying releases a supernatural realm where the duplication of the same miracles can occur.

Team member Andy Tiplady agrees in prayer with
a man to see God Release the healing anointing over
his cell phone.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit interrupted the message by releasing a tremendous anointing for words of knowledge. Many came forward in response and were touched by God's healing power. One notable miracle involved a person who responded to a specific word of knowledge about a four-year-old boy who needed healing. Having just heard a testimony about cell phone miracles, the father of the boy with severe cardiac insufficiency called home while prayer was going on at the festival. The next day he took his son to the doctor and the physician confirmed a miraculous healing!
Also, one woman received healing in her sciatic nerve, testifying that all pain had left. Another woman who suffered a blow to the right side of her head that resulted in total deafness in one ear began to hear. A corporate healing wave was also released and many experienced the fire of God healing them in their seats. Several people came forward to testify of receiving healing from various afflictions: two women were healed from tremendous chronic pain that inhibited their walking; a woman received a complete healing of her eyesight after wearing glasses for years; unable to barely talk for a month, one woman felt a "pop" in her head and began to speak again; and another woman had all swelling leave her eyes.
By the end of the night, all of heaven was rejoicing as nine precious people experienced the greatest miracle of all, salvation, as they received Jesus as Savior for the first time.

Third Night: Powerful Demonstration of the Full Gospel

More Lord!

The atmosphere was electric again at the festival on Friday as 1,500 passionate people filled the auditorium and the spirit of joy was released in worship! The evangelist shared his testimony of how God set him free from every addiction, without any withdrawal or cravings, the moment he accepted Christ. He then taught how healing and deliverance are available through the atonement just as salvation is. "I settle for nothing less than what the full gospel promises me…the forgiveness of sin and healing are one and the same in the gospel!" he said.
Then he invited people to come forward to receive Jesus as their personal Savior and 23 people responded. Next, he gave a general call for anyone with cancer, tumors, deaf ears, and terminal illness to come to the front. After receiving prayer and encountering the healing power of God, several people gave testimony. Vladimir, 74, who had been deaf in the right ear since 1942 when a German soldier struck him at age 10, had Jesus miraculously restore his hearing! Anastasia, 15, from Moscow, with asthma for three years, was simultaneously healed of all symptoms as well as a tumor on her back!

Jesus heals Vladimir's deafness after an injury from a
German soldier in 1942.

Although she has been unable to jump longer than three minutes, after her healing, she could jump in worship and breathe easily even when others had to sit!
A woman that had suffered 20 years of pain due to spinal problems and a misplaced disk was delivered of all pain. God also powerfully healed Tatianna, 58, from 23 years of painful arthritis in all parts of her legs and feet. Also, a woman was healed of a hormonal disorder which had caused her extreme nausea, daily and constant fatigue.

Final Night: Holy Hunger Releases Mighty Impartation
On Saturday night the team ended the four-day festival with a Holy Ghost impartation and commissioning service. The "use it or loose it" principle was explained, just as Jesus did when He imparted power to His disciples saying, "As you go…heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:7-8). After imparting the transferable anointing, the people were encouraged to "lay your hands on the sick—do the stuff!" It was also explained how receiving the anointing by impartation is like receiving an inheritance; something you never labored for becomes yours because of the price someone else paid.

God grants a mighty impartation of the transferable anointing.

Then all 1,500 expectant people lined up to receive personal impartation through the laying on of hands. The power of God swept through the auditorium, gloriously overwhelming these people who had passionately declared that they would pay the price if He would anoint them. There were bittersweet goodbyes as the team had to leave the lingering Ukrainians yearning for prayer and one more touch from God.

The Spirit Stirs Supernatural Faith
During the days in Kiev, the School of the Supernatural saw daily attendance of 700 people. Dan Slade of Catch the Fire Ministries opened the school with Ukrainian flare asking: "Who likes borscht in the Holy Spirit?"
Comprised of revelatory teachings and spiritual activation, various lessons in the school included: "Open Heavens," "Prophetic Decrees," "Angelic Hosts," and "Soaking".

Blessed are those that hunger and thirst … for they shall be filled.

There was an incredible response to the teachings. On one occasion 140 pastors and full time ministers eagerly rushed forward to receive an impartation of the anointing from the leaders.
According to Dan Slade, these Ukrainian Christians have a rich spiritual heritage that contributed to their eager response to the teachings about the supernatural realms.The belief in the reality of the supernatural, such as the cloud of witnesses affecting the natural realm, is imbedded in the theology of the Orthodox Church, and is a part of the spiritual roots of this nation. The Orthodox Church in Ukraine laid a foundation
for today's faith in the supernatural.

Interestingly, this foundation of faith in the supernatural can be seen in an outdoor mural in Kiev depicting the cloud of witnesses as well as in the statue of Michael the archangel in Independence Square, chosen as the tribute to their national independence, officially declared on August 24, 1991.

Defender of Ukraine
Towering over Kiev is The Defender of the Motherland, a statue of a matriarchal warrior on guard brandishing a sword and shield which was built to celebrate the victory over the Germans in WWII.

The Defender of the Motherland.

It is a striking sign of the Lord's promise of protection and liberation to the nation that was freed once again, only 14 years ago, from the control of communism. Today, in the midst of an unstable democracy, millions of Ukrainians are struggling to find happiness, but many are also finding Jesus, the one true source of joy. As one Christian leader explained, "communism took the smile off the faces of the people" and many have turned to alcohol to numb their pain. This has resulted in an epidemic of addiction and children orphaned by negligent parents.

A little one gives her heart to Jesus.

One night some of the team witnessed the destructive power of vodka and its empty promise of joy. After finding all the stores closed, they entered a pub to buy some water. There they saw a drunken group celebrating a friend who had died two years ago, leaving a 10 year old girl to hold up her mother in a drunken stupor. This was a sobering snapshot of reality for many Ukrainians bound by addiction. However, the true Defender of Ukraine, Jesus Christ, is vigilant and mighty in battle. Today, in this country, the Lord is setting the captives free, protecting His people and advancing His kingdom.

Doing the Stuff!
Mission trip team members were greatly encouraged as they experienced open heavens first hand. At the school, the miracle festival and during various outreaches, they witnessed the power of God flow through them, resulting in salvations, healings and deliverances!
· Six TB patients accept Jesus
· 12 men come to Christ at drug/alcohol rehabilitation centre
· 15 saved at center for former prisoners
· Two women, in 70's, totally healed of deafness in both ears
· Woman, 70, freed from 60 years of back pain
· Man healed of varicose veins in leg—veins straighten and smooth out
· Man received a creative miracle in his reproductive organs
· God simultaneously heals woman of deafness in the left ear and pain in her neck
Outreaches included street evangelism, feeding of the hungry, and visitation of orphans, the elderly, hospital patients with tuberculosis, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre patients, former prisoners and street kids. Seven people went to the hospital to pray for TB patients; after sharing their testimonies and the gospel message, all six people received salvation! Five men from the team traveled to a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and shared the good news of the gospel with the 12 residents who had recently been released from jail. All of them accepted Jesus as their Savior!
Other team members went to an orphanage and were deeply touched by the children's hunger for affection and attention. God's love was flowing as they delighted in the toys, stickers, candies, and attention given them. One of the staff said, "It is like Jesus has come."
At a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center for women the team prayed and prophesied over each one, called forth destiny, and saw God restore hope and dignity. Lisa Devot said, "God's purpose for these daughters of His is powerful and it was awesome to speak those things out and see their countenance change. God is raising up His daughters in the Ukraine."
The team members were personally transformed as they poured out God's love and power on the Ukrainian people. Team member Jonathan Ely shares: "The trip has been such a blessing to me; I have grown in my hunger and passion for Jesus and my desire to serve him. I have seen and heard of more healings and miracles than ever in my life before. What a life-transforming experience; I will never be the same again!"
As the team prepared to leave Ukraine, they sensed that the same Holy Spirit that drew and united the masses and released a revolution continues to hover over the nation. He is stirring a spiritual revolution that will ignite global revival fire. Team members from the UK, USA, Canada, Holland and Switzerland were powerfully impacted as they ministered under an open heaven and in the ripened harvest. Each one left changed by the strong atmosphere of hunger and empowered to "do the stuff" as they carried the spirit of revival back to their own nations.

Global revival fire is released in Ukraine.


There have been significant revelatory words spoken over the city of Kiev by some of the leading prophetic voices of our day. Kiev is a strategic city in God's plan for global revival, and I was looking forward to our time in the area, being familiar with the region's destiny as spoken by Bob Jones and Bobby Conner. Even as the enemy has brought great evil to the area, the Lord longs to use the city to the same degree and greater for His own Kingdom.
Kiev is an ancient city that has seen more than its share of war. In World War II, 100,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Germans in Kiev, and their bodies were piled up so high that an entire valley was leveled off with corpses. Later, when Stalin sent his troops in to reclaim Kiev after the German occupation, he refused to wait two extra weeks until winter, when the Dnipro River would be frozen over. This was a logistical nightmare for moving in troops; however, Stalin wanted to take the city in time to celebrate a national holiday. Pride came before a fall. The result was disastrous, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, who were picked off by the Germans when they tried to cross the river.
We are also familiar with the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the worst catastrophe of its kind ever, that occurred close by during the Soviet era, before Ukraine became a free and independent nation.
But the people of this region have been subject to oppression long before the bloodshed and catastrophe I have mentioned here. For countless centuries, the common man has been subject to ruthless dominion by absolute monarchs, and this same spirit carried over into the modern era under Communism. This people can be best described by Isaiah 41:22:

But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses; they are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, "Restore!"

But now, the Lord longs to bring recompense for these centuries of domination and "enemy occupation." Restoration is coming. I have long been prophesying about the heritage and connections of the area's Russian Orthodox history, and the restoration of foundations laid by forerunners in the region. In fact, legend says that the Apostle Andrew himself, the disciple of Jesus, traveled to Scythia on his missionary journeys, stopping in the hills of Kiev and proclaiming that a city would one day rise there with many churches to the glory of God. As you have read above, this is already happening.
For weeks, leading up to the trip, the Lord gave me a repetitive vision of a red block, with multitudes moving rapidly beneath it. I knew this represented a vast movement underfoot among the peoples in the former Soviet bloc countries. The harvest, as Bob Jones said, will happen rapidly, and we should be ready when the sickle swings.
Along with last year's "righteous revolution" we are already seeing restoration in numerous areas of society. Government corruption is being curbed. The economy is picking up. People are hungry for the spirit of revival.
There is a holy violence that will emerge from the area, which is the region's true destiny apart from the natural bloodshed that has occurred there. It is a launching station for Joel's Army. The city of Kiev is marked by a large statue of the Archangel Michael, the angel of war, who is also on many of the city's insignias. As the Lord of Hosts begins to touch the region, corruption will face immediate judgment. One night, across the street from the mission team's hotel, a massive fire consumed a large casino. We all watched it from our balconies. I really felt this was the simple byproduct of coming into close proximity of the glory the Lord was releasing. When God moves, stuff happens. God is releasing His righteousness and justice over Ukraine in this hour, and it will wipe away every hindrance to intimacy with Him. I do not know all the Lord's plans for this region; however, I do know that on the one hand, it will be a thing of great beauty and splendor – on the other hand, it will be a thing of great justice and recompense, power and severity.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Revival Report U.K.: 'England will Sail Again'

We recently completed a ministry tour of England, where we participated in four separate healing/open heavens conferences, following a trip to Wales. Literally hundreds experienced the healing power of Jesus Christ out of the thousands who attended the events. It was a time of equipping, impartation and release for the church.

Throughout the course of the trip, the Lord heavily impressed upon me that England will "sail again," as a major sending nation in the coming global revival. There has always been a strong governmental mantle on the body of Christ in England, as well as a strong revelation on the majesty of God. England will continue to be a forefront nation in the harvest, and this is largely connected with the godly heritage and timed release of the prayers of the saints throughout the ages there.

Even now, the Lord is raising up a generation of young English revivalists that will rival the likes of the great British preachers of the past. While in England, I had the opportunity to visit the chapel of John Wesley in Bristol. I knelt and prayed by his bed in the preacher's quarters above the sanctuary and asked that his same mantle would come upon my own life. Standing in Wesley's pulpit, I was overwhelmed by the idea that from this very spot, revival was launched that would sweep the Americas. In the same way, the Lord is continuing to build spiritual bridges between England and the States like never before. Even as the prophet Malachi tells us that the spirit of Elijah is sent in the last days to turn the hearts of the fathers and the sons back to one another, in the same way, this principle applies to entire churches, movements and nations. And as England is a true father nation to the States, I sensed a release of the Father's heart that is about to reconnect the two lands. This is something perhaps even greater than the great alliances known during the world wars. Father England will be a critical player in turning the prodigal heart of America.

The team joined up with Ryan Wyatt, Wesley Campbell, Bobby Conner, Paul Keith Davis, Shawn Bolz and Trevor Baker in England. I also enjoyed great fellowship with revivalist Charlie Robinson. Throughout the several weeks of ministry, we prophesied into hundreds of lives as the Lord moved powerfully. Here's a brief play-by-play on a few of the highlights:

Just prior to the Exeter conference, the Lord showed me a vision of a deep turning in the city's foundations. Exeter is an ancient city, founded by the Romans. But of particular interest, I had an uncanny sense that the Ark of the Covenant had somehow passed through the city streets before. This was quite random, and I would not venture to say this as historical fact (although I later learned there are some who believe King Jehoiachin's sons fled to Britain after the Babylonian defeat of Israel). I have no speculations about the literal ark; however, I did sense that the Lord was reviving a deep foundational work relating to His glory in the streets that would be revealed again.
Several people found diamonds that supernaturally appeared in the Exeter meetings, and dozens of people came forward to testify of physical healings during the conference there.

Although there were phenomenal healings and a lot of angelic activity in the Bath meetings, I would rather discuss a brief, humorous encounter I had in Bath Abbey, a 500-year-old cathedral built in 1499, whose roots go back nearly a thousand years earlier.
Walking through the massive, stone and stained-glass structure, one could feel the solemn religiosity of the visitors whispering along in awe of "the place." Dozens of plaques and busts were erected along the walls in honor of large benefactors, many of whom were freemasons.

Although I have deep respect for the Anglican stream, the Holy Ghost began stirring in me, and I had to follow His lead. We noticed a vicar make an announcement from a lofty carved wooden pulpit in the cathedral. My friend and I ventured to guess whether anyone had ever spoken in tongues from that pulpit in its 500 years of existence. This was "high church" at its highest – a very proper place – and the first king of England had been coronated here. But I was reminded of the reckless boldness of George Fox, and when my friend sweetened the pot with a monetary bet, I stepped over the velvet rope and made my way up the spiraling steps to the cathedral's pulpit. Leaning over to the microphone, I began to speak, "Shaba … shaba … boomba …"

For 30 seconds, I spoke in tongues, as every head in the place could be heard audibly squeaking to turn my way. As I stepped down, I saw the "important lady" making a bee-line my way, to quickly chide, "What on earth do you think you were doing?"

"Speaking in tongues."
"Well, that was very rude. Do not do that again!"
"Do what? Speak in tongues?"

I cordially agreed not to cross the velvet rope again. My mission was accomplished. I may well have made history that day, though my name will probably never make it onto one of those plaques.

It is also interesting that Bath, named after the Roman baths still in existence there today, were never dedicated to a specific Roman god as was typical of the culture. In fact, there is a John 5 healing well springing forward in the church of Bath, and as the Apostle Paul told the Greeks who worshipped the "unknown god," it can again be said that "Now what you worship as something unknown, I am going to proclaim to you" (Acts 17:23).

The team was warmly welcomed by the staff and volunteers of the River Centre in Tonbridge/Kent. The Spirit of God is moving powerfully there, and theirs is a remarkable testimony of God's provision toward those who sow generously as givers in the Kingdom.

When the congregation was still meeting in a rented hall, the Lord prompted them to give away all of their savings, about $60,000. At the time, they gave half of it to Heidi Baker's ministry in Mozambique, just as catastrophic floods struck the country, not realizing that the Bakers only had $5 in their bank account. Now, the Lord has multiplied this generosity tremendously – giving the church a modern, $12 million facility and youth café, with further plans to expand! God is amazing! Giving is a cornerstone of the Kingdom, and should be as natural and regular a part of our Christianity as worship, prayer and other spiritual disciplines. It seems that the folks in Tonbridge have a true grip on this principle. The Lord multiplies seed to the sower! Just this week, in fact, the Lord prompted our own ministry to sow $200, and within two days, we had received $2,000.

In the same way, our generosity opens doors for spiritual blessings. Sometimes the reaping is immediate, and other times it is long-term. For instance, while in Tonbridge, I prayed for a 9-year-old girl who was deaf in one ear, and her hearing was restored immediately that night. I also prayed for a blind boy there, about 6 years old, who was not healed completely on the spot. However, he was still able to count my fingers! That's a great start, but we're still contending for everything the Lord paid for him on the cross.

It is important that we not lose faith because of our lack of patience. After a seed is sown, we must wait for harvest. It is both by faith and patience that we inherit the promises. Nevertheless, the Lord is accelerating the time between seed time and harvest in this hour, so much in fact that the plowman is overtaking the reaper. The key is to find fertile, fruitful soil and sow into the glory. We want to invest in those places where God is moving, because we want to support what He supports!

Our United Kingdom tour came to a close with ministry in Dudley. There was a true move of intimacy and brokenness there. As Paul Keith shared, a tangible open heavens was evident as a canopy of glory descended upon the conference. Outside of the conference, the Lord was moving as well. At one point, I found myself interpreting dreams and prophesying over a group of young people at the Chicken Hut!

Again, prepare to see a fresh wave of young revivalists rising up from the U.K. that will change the spiritual climate of the world. England has a rich heritage in the spirit, but there is still more to come! Watch as she unfurls her sails and sets out for the nations once again.