Supernatural Generation Conference Report: Olympia, Wash.
The presence of the Lord showed up in a powerful way at the Supernatural Generation Conference in Olympia, Washington. Elisha's Request and Alisha Roney led us for 3 days in anointed, prophetic, worship. There were times that many people found themselves dancing before the Lord as the Spirit moved during worship. It was great to have many Pastor's, Ministry Leaders, and intercessors from all over the Northwest Region gathered together in unity in our capitol city. We are excited to see how the Lord is raising up a generation of believers that are blazing flames of fire for His Glory.
John Crowder from Homer, Alaska
John Crowder imparted a vision for the greater works that Christ said we'd do after He ascended into heaven. He recounted the miracles and lives of saints that became legendary but almost forgotten. The enemy of the Church doesn't want us to know what our brothers and sisters of the past did and how they lived supernatural lives. However, those miracles are being dusted off for our inspiration. John encouraged us to look for strange and unusual miracles in the last days. God is restoring the ancient paths so this generation can walk in all the accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience of the last 2000 years. We can have it all and truly be a Supernatural Generation!
Keith Miller from Amarillo, Texas
Keith Miller's theme scripture was Zech 4. This speaks of the Golden Lamp Stand that represents the church. In the past, the priests had to get the oil and continually tend it so it wouldn't' run out and cease burning. But in the Church Age, the Lamp Stand is fed supernaturally from the Lord and man's efforts are not needed and in fact cannot produce the work of the Spirit that is to be the mark of the Christian. We are entering days that require even more dependence on God's Spirit and the old ways will no longer be sufficient. Wouldn't we rather have the flow of the Holy Spirit downloading directly into our lives anyway? We need to walk by faith and see with our spiritual eyes the big things God is ready to do!
Charlie Robinson from Canada
Charlie Robinson spoke on Multigenerational Glory. He shared about the need to have a bigger vision than just your own city or region. He shared that as your vision increases and goes beyond your immediate area the Lord will begin to pour His spirit into your city as you expand your borders. Charlie encouraged the older ones to impart the stuff they have learned and received to the next generation so they can start at a higher plane than we did. He said he wants to be a "was-not" just like Enoch, who walked so closely with God he was taken up without tasting death. He told us there is no limit to hunger for God. The more we want the more He will pour out.
India Orphanage and Church Update
Revival Town is please to announce that we were able to raise a substantial amount of finances at the conference to continue the work on the Orphanage and Church in India. We are on track to have the construction completed by October when we will take a team of people to dedicate the Orphanage and Church.
We thank you for all your prayers and support of Revival Town's Mercy Project's.
India Miracle Crusade and Pastor's Conference
This October Revival Town is hosting a Miracle Crusade and Pastor's conference in the Nation of India. Our trip will be split up in two phases. First we will dedicate the orphanage and church and spend some time working in the orphanage with the children. Secondly we will host a Revival Town Miracle Festival and Pastor's Conference in a city nearby the church and orphanage.
We thank all of you for your continued support of our efforts in the nations. It is our heart at Revival Town to continue building orphanages and churches each time we host a Miracle Festival. Our desire is to see the power of God come and save souls and also help their physical needs through mercy ministry.
James 1:27 – Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for the orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.