Sunday, July 08, 2007

Fat Disappears, Diamonds Grow, Prostitutes Saved on New England & Maritimes Tour

He does great things past finding out, yes, wonders without number (Job 9:10)

We have just returned from an entire month of meetings, and are excited to report that we have seen the Lord radically ushering in His glory with signs and wonders in New England and the Canadian Maritimes.

Traveling with the entire family, we ventured as far north as Nova Scotia, seeing literally dozens and dozens of miraculous healings during the course of our tour. We have felt a strong call to the region, and we are truly expectant that the awakening winds of Heaven are beginning to stir afresh. A number of churches and groups of believers are contending and partnering for a greater realm of Heaven displayed on the earth, and God is beginning to respond to the hunger.

We saw some breathtaking weight loss miracles, with some people losing more than 20 pounds instantly as God's glory manifested in the meetings. Others reported losses of 12 pounds and so on. In one location, a man reported that the diamonds in his ring doubled in size. This has happened a number of other times recently, with two women reporting that their diamonds supernaturally grew while attending our Engaging the Seer Realm conference in Atlanta last May. Such signs are but a mere token of the realm of creative miracles the Lord is beginning to unlock.
This woman is healed of a thyroid growth as her doctor verifies the miracle in North Carolina, just prior to our New England/Maritimes tour. Two more thyroid healings were reported on the tour.

In Nova Scotia, a man with scar tissue in his abdomen area reported that it completely disappeared. We lost count of deaf ears that were opened through the course of the trip. In one meeting alone in Nova Scotia, we saw up to five people healed of hearing loss and partial deafness. In another meeting in Fredericton, New Brunswick, the Lord healed a number of people who regained their sense of smell. A young person reported that a lost finger was beginning to grow back again on its nub! A young man in Hartford, Vermont reported that his eyesight was restored in one of the meetings.

Cases of chronic pain, bone displacement, severe knee pain, slipped and degenerative discs that were healed are just too many to document. One man in Vermont reported that not only was his back healed, but his torn rotator cuff was healed after decades of pain. Many reported new mobility in their neck, joints and bodies after months or even years of disfunction. In Canada, a man with nerve damage in his foot also regained sensitivity and could feel his foot again, something he could not do before!

A woman in Connecticut reported that her teeth were supernaturally whitened, as the Lord released dental miracles, and another man in Canada reported a gold filling that went all the way through his tooth. The Lord has also released gold dust on a more consistent basis in the meetings.

There were also money miracles reported during the meetings. One woman found $50 supernaturally appear in her Altoids breath mint can! Bob Jones had prophesied that on June 6, the church would be crossing over a spiritual river Jordan. We really felt a strong attachment to this word, and the Lord showed us that part of this deals with a new realm of financial prosperity that was unlocked over the summer. If you've been in a desert for 40 years, one of the first things you will notice when you cross over into the Promise Land is the abundance! On June 6, while we were on Nantucket Island for a meeting, someone donated the use of a $12 million house for us to stay in for the week. This place normally rents for $39,000 a week! And the owner is still a pre-Christian, who said he wanted us to leave "karmic vibrations" in the home! We felt that this was a prophetic indication of where the Lord is taking the church at this time.

In one of the locations, we conducted an outreach in a movie theater, where a number of souls were violently snatched from hell. We invited witches, bisexuals, homeless and even religious people to the event! Three prostitutes and a male escort gave their lives to Jesus, among several others who were saved. The next day, as the male escort was trying to leave down, he was confronted by his pimps and stabbed. The three prostitutes were secretly ushered out of town to a rehabilitation center, but the believer who assisted them was also tracked down by the pimps and was beaten. Her eye was slashed, her arm broken and several of her ribs were kicked in.

Our associate, Shawn Gabie, who also joined us for this event, reported that a witch astroprojected into his room before he left town! It was amazing to see the enemy's camp stirred into such an outrage, but the most exciting part was to reach out to the destitute and see new names written into the Lamb's Book of Life!

We saw the Lord heal a number of thyroid growths and tumors – we've seen three of these vanish completely within a month's time. In Waterville, Maine, two people reported that their ankles, which were swollen due to injuries, shrank back to normal size. One woman reported her ankles were swollen to three times their size, but returned instantly to normal in the Glory.

In Fort St. John, New Brunswick, there were a number of weight loss miracles and healings. Then as two young ladies were giving their lives to the Lord, a loud audible thunder crack amazed them, as God confirmed His love and call on their lives. As they remarked at this, the God of Glory thundered again, sealing them with a sign. Throughout the month, the Lord showed up in a number of other nature signs, including winds, fragrances and even physical tastes of honey could be discerned at times.

It is amazing that we have a fun God who dazzles His children with His wonders. But it is also imperative that we understand about these things, so we do not remain ignorant of the realm of Glory God is releasing among us in this day.

Declare His Glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples (1 Chron. 16:24)

I believe that now is the hour, as Joshua spoke of, when he said, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you" (Joshua 3:5). As we prepare our hearts for this present outpouring of God's Spirit, each of us who believe can begin to operate in the phenomenal as the Father has promised us so many times in the scriptures. We pray that these testimonies encourage you as we endeavor together to apprehend the fullness of life in the Kingdom. We pray that your hearts would be strengthened in faith, circumcised of doubt, and above all, bolstered in holy love for the Bridegroom as he uses you to bring the good news of the Kingdom to your own home, church, marketplace or region.