Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Thousands Saved in India Miracle Crusades

Blessings as you launch into the New Year! We would like to share with you some recent stories of what the Lord did at our India miracle crusades in December, where we literally saw thousands make decisions for Christ.

There was a tremendous level of the miraculous and an outpouring of harvest Glory as Sons of Thunder hosted four nights of Jesus Miracle Festivals in Mumbai and Aurangabad, India. Everyone on the international team was used by God to work supernatural demonstrations of the kingdom. We simply followed the mandate of Luke 10:8-9, where Jesus instructs us: Whatever city you enter, and they receive you … heal the sick there, and say to them, “The kingdom of God has come near to you” (NKJV).

For a short video presentation of the miracle crusades, Click Here or the image below:

Cripples Walk, Blind See, Deaf Hear, Demons Cast Out

Throughout the course of the crusades, many people reported that cancers and tumors had disappeared or dissolved from their bodies. Breast cancers, tumors in the abdomen and face and other growths vanished. One woman had a tumor on her head, but as the power of God touched her, she felt as if water ran down through her body and the cancer was gone! Another woman had breast cancer for four years which had spread throughout her body. She testified that the Lord had healed her.

Some of the more dramatic miracles included cripples and lame persons regaining their ability to walk. One woman was unable to walk for six years. Another man had been lame for three years. In Mumbai, one woman was twisted up with a metal rod in her back, but she straightened out and began walking normally. Surely, the “power of the Lord was present to heal them!” (Luke 5:17, NKJV).

We saw the Lord heal a number of deaf and mute people. Some were deaf since birth, and many were children. People reported their hearing restored after three, four and five years. Vision was also restored to a number of eyes. We could not count all of the backs, legs, joints and other healings that were reported over the course of the week. Besides that, the team cast out a number of devils and many were delivered of oppression. Jesus said: if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you (Mt. 12:28, NKJV).

New Teeth Grow, Gold Teeth Appear
Besides “ordinary” healings, we also saw a number of unusual creative miracles. Several people reported that new teeth grew into their heads after a word of knowledge was released to this effect. There were also a number of gold fillings that came into people’s teeth.
One person in Aurangabad reported four new gold teeth, and in an email following the crusades, we discovered that another person had six gold teeth!

Angry Mobs Try to Shut Down Meetings
After a fiery meeting in which our associate Jason Pardue exhorted everyone to turn from their idolatry, our coordinators had to pay off some individuals who tried to call in a mob to shut us down.

Later in the week, while John was preaching in Aurangabad, a mob of angry Hindus gathered outside to force a stop to our meeting. We refused to stop the meeting unless we were forcibly dragged from the stage. John continued to do three altar calls and many people were healed that night. Although the mob beat up several of the volunteer staff, they eventually left and hundreds were added to the Kingdom that night!

Sons of Thunder Children’s Home is Launched
One of the highlights of the trip was the launching of the Sons of Thunder Children’s Home. We are still constructing the second story of the facility as funds come in, but the first floor has reached a level of completion so that the children can begin moving in by the end of the month. We also hope to build a protective wall around the property for the children’s safety and we are presently in need of furnishings. The most exciting news is that the project is nearly twice its original size – meaning that we will be able to accommodate up to 50 children! We will share more about the children’s home in our next update, along with video footage of the kids.

Help us Reach One Million Souls!
We were so impressed by the hunger of the Indian people that we hope to launch another evangelistic campaign next year to reach one million souls with the good news of the Kingdom! Please pray and believe with us as we consider this endeavor. We would also like to thank all of our partners and supporters who made this recent trip possible, and we know that the fruit of all these salvations and changed lives are a direct result of your friendship!

Please consider joining us on a future Sons of Thunder mission trip. Applications are still being received for our February trip to Israel. We will be doing outreaches to the poor in Muslim refugee camps as well has touring and hosting Glory conferences in the Holy Land in partnership with Georgian & Winnie Banov, David Herzog, Che Ahn and Jeff Jansen. Click Here for more information.