Friday, May 19, 2006

Manifest Power Marks New England Tour

We are excited to report the phenomenal things we have just seen on our recent New England Tour. Over the past three weeks, we have seen the Lord work miracles and healings on U.S. soil that rival anything we’ve ever witnessed overseas. In our five-state tour, we have literally watched more supernatural activity than we can document. From instant miraculous weight loss to metal pins and plates melting from people’s bodies, the Lord has truly displayed His power.

We like to offer these testimonies and revival reports not to pump our own ministry or hype anything, but to instill faith in the reader that “all things are possible for those who believe.” The truth speaks much louder than fiction, and some of these stories may stretch you. However, this is normal, everyday Christianity – the way it should be. We strongly believe that revival is right now for anyone who wants it, and this is a strategic time of release for the New England area. A shift has already taken place in the region, and a supernatural display of the Kingdom of God is being poured out like never before.

Fat Disappears, Money Appears in Tolland, Conn.

The entire family, kids in tow, made this trek to the Northeast in late April, stopping first at River of Life Christian Fellowship in Tolland, Conn. with Pastors Weston and Karen Brooks. In a series of powerful meetings, the Lord released at least two significant weight loss miracles. A man with a paralyzed finger received feeling and sensitivity again. We had people check their pockets for money that may have supernaturally appeared there during the meeting. Sure enough, a small amount of money popped into one man’s pants which were completely empty prior to the meeting!

There were a number of other healings in Tolland, including relief from ailments that had plagued people for many years. One woman was healed of a back problem caused by MS when our eight-year-old daughter touched her during the healing service. We also sensed that a large angel was slamming a scroll into the ground in Tolland that would send shockwaves throughout the area.

Healing and Deliverance in Springfield, Mass.

Our next stop on the itinerary was Springfield, Mass. with Pastor Kofi Ata Ben Boni at Shepherd’s Gate Christian Fellowship. It was there that one woman reported deliverance from a prescription drug addiction ever since the meeting. Her close friend stated that, “she has many pains in her body and takes so much drugs that sometimes she can barely open her mouth – and she knows she is addicted and takes too much. Wednesday night she went up, and said she got freaked out because she felt something happen to her (the Holy Spirit) and she had to leave. You didn’t even lay hands on her. ... Well, she now has no pain in her body and has not taken any pills since.”

Another woman reported that her back bone snapped back in place during the healing wave that was released, and others also experienced an infilling of the Holy Spirit. Our hotel receptionist was also surprised to find that Pastor Kofi spoke her native language from Ghana, and we had the privilege of leading her to the Lord and getting her plugged into the local fellowship.

Divine Intimacy Released at Gateway

Our time at Gateway Christian Fellowship in New Haven, Conn. with Pastors Dr. Brian and Candice Simmons was stirring as we delved into the sacred romance of the Song of Solomon. The weekend seminary opened the eyes and hearts of listeners with revelatory teaching, and we also prophesied personally over everyone in attendance. The Lord released an impartation of his “fiery seal” upon the hearts of everyone there the final night of the conference, and there were also a number of healings.

We would like to highly recommend Dr. Simmons’ book “Journey of the Bride,” which is available online at Gateway’s Web site,

Breakthrough in the Bronx

Stopping next at the Sanctuary Fellowship in Bronx, NY, we witnessed still more supernatural weight loss miracles. Little did we know that the church was in the midst of a competitive weight loss/diet competition. So God granted an “unfair” advantage to a few fortunate souls! There were also bone spurs, ankle problems and knee ailments that were healed among other infirmities. One woman reported that the Lord healed her instantly from the flu!

Pastor Jorge and the Sanctuary family are pioneering a new work in the city, and we greatly enjoyed our time with this young, growing fellowship.

Wine Time at the White Horse Café

Jumping from downtown New York City to the “boonies” of Vermont was a great relief for our clan of former Alaskans. The beautiful setting of White River Junction and Dee Copley’s White Horse Café provided a pristine natural backdrop for an explosive release of supernatural power.

There were a number of healings at the meetings, including a man whose shoulder was healed completely after many years of problems. In addition, we saw a few instant weight loss miracles. But the best part of these meetings was the heavy glory that descended. The Lord showed us that publications are going to be released from the Café and that a significant shift will be coming in 14 months. We learned that Vermonters really love to party in the Lord, and everyone corporately entered the wine room of Heaven during the meetings.

We also took the time in Vermont to visit Revivalist Eleazar Wheelock’s grave. This man of God founded Dartmouth College on the heels of the Great Awakening. The fiery bowls of creative revelatory understanding in the sciences and other fields of learning are about to be restored in the same measure and greater, in accordance with his original vision. This and other Ivy League schools which started with a Christian foundation are going to be restored to their original vision and call in these last days.

We also stopped at the church where George Whitefield was buried in Massachusetts, asking that the same wells of revival would spring up afresh, yet altogether new for this day and hour!

Maine Ignites with Miracles, Salvation, Call to the Poor

If we had to describe our time in Maine with one word, it would simply be “Wow!” Here are just a few of the miracles we witnessed during our time there:

*Deaf ears pop open for three people
*Metal plate melts from woman’s wrist
*Metal pins disappear from teenage girl’s ankle
*Fat cells vanish from several people’s waist lines
*Backs, shoulders, joints instantly healed
*Chronic pain/fybromyalgia leaves after many years of struggle
*Woman with walker gains strength/mobility

On the second day of our conference, we issued a serious call to make a difference toward the impoverished children of the world. More than 50 people responded to the call to “remember the poor,” and we collected pledges to raise $30,000 for orphanages in the Far East over the next three months! Nearly 30 people also volunteered to support orphan children long-term at $30 a month.

Currently, we are working out the logistics for this orphanage project, and we plan to have more information posted shortly on our Web site for anyone else who wishes to contribute toward the project.

A vision for the poor coincides with a prophetic word from Lou Engle, connecting Bangor, Maine with the 24/7 intercession movement in Bangor, Ireland during the days of Celtic Christianity. The Celts not only sustained a lifestyle of mystical, contemplative faith. They also sent missionaries throughout the world, shining as the only light in the midst of the Dark Ages. Their heart and care for the poor was a powerful example of true religion, and we would like to thank the people of Maine for stepping up to the call and emulating that same charitable heart that releases God’s favor.

We ministered with a large group of young people who will be involved in establishing this house of prayer in Bangor, along with Pastors Rich and Linda Brink who hosted us at Mountaintop Christian Fellowship.

Other powerful happenings in Maine included a wave of deliverance, where a number of people struggling with a spirit of suicide and addictions were set free. We commissioned everyone to go out two-by-two after the last night of the conference to save souls in the middle of the night. Trucking over to Wal-Mart with our associates Jason and Heather Rosfeld, we led about six people to the Lord with several marketplace miracles. A man was healed of a limp leg on the automotive aisle, and the Lord also healed a man’s back on Aisle 4 as he recommitted his life to the Lord.

Taking it to the Streets

As fun as it is to experience the miraculous, there is nothing better than watching the stuff happen in the marketplace. Seeing is believing. Christians do not have the freedom to preach the gospel in word only. The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk only, but demonstrations of power. Jesus wants to be demonstrated.

Even now, we are watching a spiritual army not only taking formation, but taking new ground as well. We were encouraged by our time in New England, because we saw groups who were hungry to reproduce their faith in the streets and activate the miraculous in their own lives – they were not just attending meetings to be entertained. They love God and they want to be used. We thank God for the fruitful work of ministry over the tour, and our prayer is that these testimonies encourage you to go even further to bring Heaven to earth in your own sphere of influence!

Many Blessings,
John & Lily Crowder

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

God Works Instant Weight Loss Miracles

March/April Revival Report

Look out Weight Watchers. Move over South Beach Diet. We’re here to tell you that you can be “light in the Lord!” We are excited to report that the Lord has begun working an interesting phenomenon in our meetings lately. We’ve been pressing in for a release of supernatural weight loss during our healing/miracle services, and the Lord has begun to deliver. Yet another incentive to live in the glory realm!

We love it when God does bizarre and fascinating wonders that blow our boxes out of the water. We have been contending for this particular miracle since January, having seen quite a number of people lose weight instantly under the ministry of our friend, David Herzog. We’ve also traced this phenomenon back to the healing meetings of A.A. Allen in the 1950s, when someone once lost 200 pounds instantly in one meeting.

In February, before we left Canada, the Lord told me that He was putting me in “Weight Loss Class.” Essentially, He would be training me how to work this miracle. The first fruits of this we would see in Michigan last March, and it has continued since then.

Open Portal Released in South Michigan

I traveled to Saginaw, Mich. in March at the invitation of Saginaw Valley Community Church, joining up with Dr. Brian Simmons and Aaron Evans. The Lord prompted us to corporately speak an opening into the heavens for a release of dreams and visions on the second night of the conference. We sensed that a very large door had been cracked open for the region, which was also connected with a healing of the land and repentance on behalf of past wrongs done against First Nations people in the area. We sensed that while the Lord was indeed opening a portal, it is something that must be contended for and maintained by the local churches.

I feel that the Lord is also establishing networks in southern Michigan which will release prophetic evangelism.

Dr. Simmons, who is truly a regional apostolic authority in the New England area and beyond, laid a strong foundation, focusing on the shepherd heart of God, the need for sacrifice and the centrality of the cross. He encouraged everyone not just to eat “cheesecake” conference Christianity, but to embrace a walk that sometimes involves suffering and desert seasons as a prerequisite to a higher walk. Aaron also pointed to the need for stronger family relationships and provoked hearts to greater depths of intimacy with the Lord, among other things.

With this plumb line laid, the Lord released an explosion of healings on the final night. Besides the miracle weight loss, a boy’s broken wrist was healed. The Lord healed a number of shoulders, rotator cuffs and other body parts. Dozens of people came forward in response to a word of knowledge concerning chronic headaches. A number of people were healed of intestinal disorders and other organ problems. Several people also reported that there were distinct fruit smells during the meetings.

Dakotas ‘Fully in the Glory’

In early April, I spent a week in the Dakotas with Jim Samuelson of Springs of Living Water Church, holding meetings in Fargo, Minot and Bismarck, ND. The Lord showed me that a natural resource deposit of gold and oil would be found along the border of North and South Dakota, which would signal a fresh emergence of the glory of God, as well as a birthing of supernatural wisdom from the invisible realm to the natural realm. I was given the reference of Job 33, wherein wisdom is compared to the gold and precious minerals that men dig deep into the earth to recover.

I also saw a sickle swinging over North Dakota. I feel that now is the time for harvest in North Dakota, but that there will also be many harvesters sent out from North Dakota. While in Bismarck, we visited the capital building and I was struck by the angelic presence I sensed in the Senate chambers. I feel that great blessing is coming upon the state because of the stand that North Dakota is taking against the wholesale slaughter of abortion. I also had a vision of a launching pad being constructed there in Bismarck, with angels taking off from the capital building to far away places. We had an incredible time at Crystal River Ministry Center, seeing a number of healings, and just as the fire of God began to heat up, the fire alarms began to sound off throughout the complex!

All of the Dakota meetings were marked by a heavy glory and the release of the wine of God. In Minot there was also distinct, strong angelic activity, and I was struck mute for several minutes mid-way through the service. Just after the meeting, an atheist was healed and saved in Applebee’s. I simply called out the healing word, without laying hands on him. He had a hard time arguing with the power of God. Seeing is believing!

Explosion in Fort St. John

The Lord flooded Fort St. John, B.C. Canada over Easter weekend with revival fire. Joining up with Faytene Kryskow for a citywide meeting there, we watched as Baptists, Mennonites, Brethren, Pentecostals and others from various denominational backgrounds gathered in unity and got whacked by the power of God.

The Lord gave us a word about a 24 hour prayer center for Fort St. John, as well as a call to send revival fires to the northern villages. During the Heart of David conference there, sponsored by Northern Fire, we also saw a number of healings, including another release of miracle weight loss. The Lord released a wave of deliverance from addictions, as many were floored by the hand of God. At the end of the conference, we sent everyone out two-by-two to reach the lost and carry the fire directly from the meeting place to the marketplace.

New England Tour

Currently, the entire family is traveling throughout the New England area for a regional ministry tour. Look for more updates and testimonies from the trip in our next revival report.

Strategic Prayer Points

For those of you faithful intercessors out there, please consider praying for us and the ministry on the following prayer points:

Ø More of God’s manifest presence in our personal lives and ministry
Ø Increased and effective demonstrations of power
Ø Fresh revelatory teaching
Ø Favor and anointing on John’s new book projects
Ø Personal covering for the family, especially Lily and the children
Ø God’s provision for upcoming ministry events and campaigns
Ø Funding for India orphanage project

We appreciate your prayers and support. Thanks for your partnership in the ministry!