Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Europe-Mid-East Revival Report -- New Evangelism Technique Pioneered by Getting 'Whacked' in Wales

Although it has been a month since our time in Wales, Holland and the Middle East, we have wanted to issue a revival report to honor the Lord and the notable things He has done during this ministry tour. We saw the spontaneous appearance of diamonds and gemstones, many miracles of healing and instant weight loss, and overall experienced a tremendous weight of the Glory of God.

The Lord healed a number of people of conditions of deafness in Wales when we arrived in September, along with other notable healings. There were also a number of people who were saved on the streets through “Buzz Evangelism!” Hooking up with the Emerge Wales team, headed by Justin Abraham and Dave Vaughan, we spent the mornings getting intoxicated in the new wine. Then, in the afternoons, once we were full and spilling over with the Glory, we hit the streets of Cardiff. Besides doing dream interpretation, we also held up a sign that read “Free Buzz.” Then we prayed for people to feel a touch of God’s presence.

“So many people stopped to ask for a free buzz. We prayed for them and many people were impacted,” writes Abraham about the trip. “We saw around 10 people get saved. One guy we prayed for shook as the Holy Spirit moved on him, some cried, others just looked blessed. While this was happening, a woman came up to us with a bad foot, we prayed for her and she was instantly healed. Some of the stories are awesome. We also did dream interpretation and destiny words. God is revealing the secrets of the heart to show people His love. People are so hungry out there. They are looking for Him.”

During the nights, we held revival meetings, where we also connected with Gary and Sarah Morgan, as the Lord released a powerful wave of prophetic declarations over the nation. One night, a young woman found a diamond in one of the meetings. After she went home, she found two more gems!

In the nights we saw intercession for the nation, prophecy released, and several miracles including healings from deafness and a hernia, and weight loss (a whole dress size!). Some of the kids from the housing estate gave their hearts to the Lord, and were visibly touched. One boy cried outside as Ann sang over him. People are so hungry for Him. The kids loved the prayer and kept asking for more,” writes Abraham.

The Lord continued to move powerfully as we joined Mattheus van der Steen and his wife Rebekah in Holland. Mattheus, founder of TRIN, has been hosting conferences in the nation and sponsoring major evangelism campaigns around the world. Hundreds were activated, filled and baptized afresh (many for the first time) in the Holy Spirit as we ministered in Holland with Mattheus. The weight loss miracles continued, as one lady lost several dress sizes. The next day she returned to the meetings, wearing new clothes, and by the end of the meeting, even the new clothes didn’t fit! (We recently received another report from a woman in Florida where we ministered who lost 32 pounds in the Glory!)

The Lord healed quite a number of infirmities. He also sent supernatural fragrances and a breeze blew through the building during one of the meetings. Some reported receiving gold fillings in their teeth, and many were challenged to take hold of supernatural Christianity.

Ministering at TRIN during the Feast of Trumpets, we took time to prophesy and release regional destiny words into the coming year. We feel that a fresh fire is beginning to burn in the nation of Holland.

John also traveled to the Middle East for a ministry trip to Cairo during this time. Due to scheduling and airline problems, the trip was cut short and we could not hold our public meetings. However, John was able to spend some time encouraging local missionaries there in Egypt. He also prayed with several locals and a young muslim convert was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Healings, Signs, Hailstones & Dead Raising! - Fire By Night Conference Exhibits 'Normal Christianity'

God releases some Boomba!
When God moves, there is no need for hype. The moment Aaron Evans stepped to the front of the building Friday for the Sons of Thunder Fire by Night Conference, the opening meeting was met with a massive downpour of marble-sized hailstones that covered the facility grounds on the balmy Georgia evening. Conference goers coming late to the meeting reported that the hail was isolated to the local property, and that a small twister also flew over the parking lot. No cars were damaged; however, the Lord gave Lily Crowder Psalm 18. When we looked it up, one passage stood out:

“And He rode upon a cherub, and flew; He flew upon the wings of the wind. He made darkness His secret place; His canopy around Him was dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. From the brightness before Him, His thick clouds passed with hailstones and coals of fire.
The Lord thundered from heaven, and the Most High uttered His voice, hailstones and coals of fire. He sent out His arrows and scattered the foe, lightnings in abundance, and He vanquished them.
Then the channels of the sea were seen, the foundations of the world were uncovered at Your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils” (Ps. 18:10-15, emphasis mine).
Lily and others release the boomba!
Truly the fiery blast of the Lord’s nostrils laid bare the secrets of men’s hearts and exposed religious fallacies that God does not want to communicate clearly with His children in the place of intimacy through dreams, visions and encounters. The liquid love of Jesus poured freely throughout the conference, as hundreds of people were touched by the power and presence of God. Angie Reeder and her band from New Jersey were on hand to lead us into a powerful time of worship.

Aaron, who works with John Paul Jackson and Streams Ministries, shared a number of revelatory experiences, offering guidance on getting free from religious strongholds that hold us back from intimacy and communication with God. Aaron also heralded a supernatural generation that is rising up from the confines of powerless ritual, and taking hold of “demonstration” Christianity. He discussed the need for character and purity in order to ascend the heights of prophetic activation, not relying merely on gifting itself.

Jason Phillips of Revivaltown Ministries in Olympia, Wash. discussed walking in the fullness of all that God has, even for the “ordinary” believer. He provoked everyone to pursue a deeper place of communion with God and how to position oneself to move into destiny.

John discussed the need to move beyond mere prophetic gifting, and rather to cultivate and maintain an open Heaven around your life – the Heaven that Jesus has already cracked open for everyone by his sacrificial atonement. John also discussed the need to see and operate more clearly with the angelic, and to wake up from religious game playing that has lulled the church to sleep from the reality of the spirit realm. John also shared practical steps toward pursuing a double portion of God’s presence and power in your life, by following the footsteps of Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2.

John, Aaron & Jason with Robin
John, Aaron and Jason offer a panel discussion.
All three speakers participated in a question and answer session and addressed a number of issues relating to revelatory experiences and the supernatural. There was impartation and activation in the Spirit of revelation on Friday night, as the team prayed for everyone in attendance. Then the Lord released a massive healing wave the last two nights of the meetings. Here are a few testimonies of healings, miracles and “God happenings” from during (and after) the meetings:

- Pastor Michelle Duarte of Living Water Christian Church raised a dead person to life following Friday night’s meeting! She witnessed a car accident just outside the local IHOP restaurant, where a large SUV plowed over another car. The Lord told her that a lady was involved in the wreck, and Pastor Duarte walked as close to the scene as possible, seeing a woman slumped over the wheel. Duarte says that while responders could not find vital signs, and the woman was ready to be picked up by a DOA truck, her inner eye saw the woman’s spirit departing from her body. Across the parking lot, Duarte’s assistant pastor was also seeing the same vision, of a woman’s spirit leaving her body. Separately, but simultaneously, they began to pray and command the woman’s spirit to return to her body, along with prayers of healing for her physical body. In just a few moments, she saw the victim’s arm begin to move as life was restored to her body!

Woman loses first four of a total eight inches!
The first 4 of a total 8 inches of weight instantly lost.
- A woman lost eight inches from her waist line in the meetings as the power of God came upon her. Others lost weight as well.
- A woman who was deaf for 29 years in one ear received an instant miracle, as hearing was restored. Several other deaf ears were also opened.
- Kenny Forthun, of Cleveland, Ga., had a crooked spine as a result of scoliosis. Following a word of knowledge Saturday night, the Lord instantly straightened his spine through a creative miracle.
Kenny's back was supernaturally straightened
Kenny's back was supernaturally straightened!
- A woman unable to raise her arm above shoulder level for 11 years was supernaturally healed. In front of everyone, she was able to raise her arm high above her head.
Her arm before
Before prayer, this woman's arm could only lift this far..
Her arm after
The lord restored her mobility!

- Robin Reider, our head intercessor, had an entire tooth changed completely to gold. An oral surgeon, Ken Johnson, confirmed that the tooth was real gold.
- A man who needed a root canal reported that two of his dead teeth turned completely white as the Lord restored them in the meeting.
- Tammy Eudy, of Valdosta, Ga., reported that the Lord healed her right hip.
- A woman reported that her breathing was instantly healed, after a word of knowledge about asthma.
- A woman with nerve damage in her toe reported that the numbness left and feeling was restored to it, following a word of knowledge.
- Other healings included chronic fatigue, leg and sciatica problems, backs, knees and various other body parts.

On the final night of the meeting, there was a massive deliverance wave, as many were set free from demonic strongholds. Some who were struggling with suicide and depression were set free from a spirit of death. A powerful decree was released against the spirit of jezebel, which “kills the Lord’s prophets” in the region. We believe that a divine mandate was released against that religious principality, as we proclaimed that “Jehu is riding.” We actually began to sing “Who Let the Dogs Out?” referring to the dogs of Jezreel who lap up the blood of jezebel at her death. After this, a stray dog literally traipsed into the building through an open door! Probably looking for a meal.
God drops a dentist-verified gold tooth in Robin's mouth
The Lord puts a brand new gold tooth in Robin's mouth!

We are so grateful that the favor, abundance and majesty of God’s Kingdom are being poured out in our day, in our midst, right here! Elijah is no longer hiding in a cave! The Kingdom of Heaven is forcefully and aggressively advancing, and we are not on the defense! Adullam can no longer contain what the Lord is releasing! God’s mighty men are emerging from their hiding places. The hungry and the crazy are rising up to take their portion and to see the Glory of the Lord in the land of the living!
Woman worships the Lord
God is good!

If you are considering joining us in Georgia for a Sons of Thunder conference, you will not want to miss our November Breaker Anointing event. This is our last local conference for the year – a major blowout featuring guest speakers Joshua Mills, David Herzog, Georgian Banov, Jerame Nelson and John Crowder. We anticipate a powerful release of signs and wonders as we all get whacked in the Glory! Please register online prior to the event at our Web site, http://www.thenewmystics.org/.

Many blessings!
John & Lily Crowder

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Signs & Wonders Mark California Tour

It has been some time since our last update, and we pray that the Lord is moving mightily in your midst. So much has happened over the past month and a half that we will be sending out a few separate revival reports, just to give honor to what the Lord is doing in terms of the supernatural. We have completed two separate tours: one of California, and another of Europe and the Middle East. In addition, the Lord notched up the spiritual atmosphere locally in Georgia with the Sons of Thunder Fire by Night Conference. Someone was actually raised from the dead after one of the meetings! We will send out a few extra updates over the next few weeks to chronicle the works of God we have seen – some of which will blow you away!

With so much of the miraculous being poured out on the hungry today, we are convinced that it is a matter of “feast or famine” in the Kingdom. Some may wonder why God would move so mightily in certain circles, and not others, but we are convinced that this is regular, ordinary Christianity – and in fact, what we are seeing is very sub par compared to the levels of glory and power we are being offered through the shed blood of Jesus Christ! As Jesus said, “Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him” (Luke 8:18). Now is not the time to pretend God is moving in our lives and ministries, when He is really not! When we humble ourselves, acknowledge our spiritual bankruptcy and ask for “gold refined in the fire,” God will lift us up and infuse us with power for the harvest. Now is not the time to be pessimistic towards God’s power, just because we may lack it! Instead of pretending it doesn’t exist, or that we are already on the cusp of what God is doing – let us have the attitude of humility, hunger and pursuit – continually pressing in with wonder to the new things the Lord is doing in our midst!

Disappearing Diamonds and Indoor Rain in Florida
Prior to launching on our California trip, we visited Pastor Michele Duarte and Living Waters Church in Altamonte Springs, Fla. The Lord released a strange phenomenon in the meetings, as small diamonds would appear all over the floor. However, when you go to pick them up, they disappear in your hand! After that, we began contending more for the “habitation” of the diamonds, instead of just a “visitation” of them! For more info on the gemstones the Lord is releasing today, we would recommend checking out the videos on www.thegatewayintl.org/index.php. Following our California tour, gems began to appear in our meetings in Wales, which we will discuss in a later revival report.

Another strange sign the Lord gave during the Florida meetings was that it began to rain in the building, during the service, as the glory of God began to rest thickly. This was also repeated in Wales, with visible water drops on our bodies! The Lord is truly pouring out His latter rains, and it is time to ask for them! (Zech. 10).

During the course of the Florida meetings, we hit the streets with the Living Waters family, and encountered a group of young people openly worshipping satan in a park at night. Our children heard this and immediately stretched out their hands and began praying in tongues. I got hammered by the Holy Spirit, and just danced over to them speaking in tongues, saying, “I have more power in my pinkie than all the antichrists of hell, because Almighty God lives inside of me!” Immediately, several of the girls began to manifest demons, shrieking and running away. Two of the young men received the Lord, and one got whacked by the Holy Spirit, sprawled out on the grass in a trance!

California Ablaze: Literally!
Prior to traveling to California for our West Coast tour, the Lord showed us a vision of the state being set ablaze with revival fire. By the time we reached Redlands, Calif., a literal wildfire broke out in the town, burning 2,000 acres! Pastor Joe Delgado of Church on the Hill in Redlands noted that wildfires have coincided with all of their conferences, when Todd Bentley and others came to minister.

Our California tour began with our friends Steve and Ginny Maddox, founders of Oasis, in Oceanside, Calif. Holding a meeting in San Marcos, at The Movement, the Lord opened deaf ears. A young man reported that a metal rod in his arm had dissolved when we prayed for the Lord to remove metal plates and pins from bodies. Throughout the tour as a whole, the Lord healed dozens of cases of arthritis, bone and organ problems, backs, knees and joints. At least half a dozen deaf received their hearing back (we lost count!) A woman in Sonora, Calif. reported that a knot on her head from an aneurism shrank. In Laguna Niguel, a man with no feeling from the elbow down to the tip of his fingers received and instant healing. His nervous system was restored, and all the numbness left his hand and arm completely. Also in Laguna Niguel, a woman supernaturally received back her sense of smell. A number of people experienced instant weight loss miracles throughout the trip.

While we were in the state, Steve Maddox introduced us to Harold Bredesen, the “father” of the charismatic movement. Harold has served as counselor to several presidents and foreign leaders, having worked to broker peace in the Middle East years ago with Anwar Sadat. He is also known for leading Pat Robertson into the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Harold has experienced many decades of the supernatural, having been transported miraculously from one geographical place to another, among other bizarre happenings. This was definitely a highlight of the trip!

Someone prophesied that the Lord was “laying tracks” during this trip, which we would continually run on and build with in the future. Lily was raised in California as a child, and we feel a natural connection and call to see the area encounter the glory of God. We feel that the Lord wants to restore that same fire of revival that Lonnie Frisbee kindled in California years ago in the realm of power evangelism and spiritual encounter.

Angels Stir the Waters
During our time in Redlands, the Lord caught John up into a visionary experience, where he floated into a William Branham meeting, and Branham struck John with a lightning bolt. Following this experience, there has been an increase in operating in coordination with the angelic in our meetings. Branham would often wait for angels to show up or do certain things in his meetings before he was activated to release healing or miracles. During our meetings in San Andreas, with our friends John and Lois Land, the Lord showed us one night that an angel was going to “stir the waters” in one part of the room.

That night, the Lord brought a release of the Spirit of revelation, enabling many to encounter the Third Heaven corporately. The meeting went long, and I was secretly waiting for the angelic activity to begin. While I did not tell anyone about the angel coming, I knew that a sign of his release would be that a certain woman would begin to manifest the Spirit of God in that part of the room. Finally, in the late hours, a holy drunkenness began to descend, and someone began to literally splash this particular woman with a water bottle! The stirring of the waters had begun, and this woman began to shake with the presence of God.

Immediately, I sent everyone out on the streets. The entire church ran out the door, filling the city street with shouts and dancing, as the Lord released a healing wave. The angelic timing was perfect, as two young men happened to be passing by. Both were saved and one was healed. Here is John Land’s account of the night:

“John Crowder was there and said he would just talk till the power of God came. The Holy Spirit told him that there would be a significant stirring of the spiritual waters that night. He suggested that we all share our water and believe that God would pour out His Spirit. One of the zealots (Ronda Lopez) went crazy and threw water on one of the ladies sitting next to her. That did it; the angels moved. Within seconds, about 25 people were out in the middle of the street as John Crowder and those gathered proclaimed healings, weight loss, salvations. And God was moving powerfully. Some actually were laying down under the power of heaven on the asphalt. Cars were being asked to drive around the seemingly heaven possessed group of shouting, praying and rejoicing.

The people in the bar (next door) came out and were marveling at this drunken behavior. John Land, the apparent leader of this inebriated band, called across Highway 49 for two gang banger types to come across the highway and receive what God was doing. They immediately ran across the highway and joined the crowd of excited animated Christians. John Crowder asked them if they were injured or sick. One of the guys said his ******** (expletive) shoulder was injured. John prayed and he seemed to get some relief. They both gave their lives to the Lord right in the middle of the street.”

Another young man gave his life to the Lord in San Andreas and we baptized him on the spot with a water bottle! The Lord is pouring out His Spirit in unprecedented, unlimited proportions to those who will move beyond just “being open” to the stuff. The anointing must be pursued at all costs. As we draw near to God, He will draw near to us!